Monday, May 25, 2020

The Political Foundations of Democracy and the Rule of Law - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 823 Downloads: 9 Date added: 2019/02/15 Category Politics Essay Level High school Tags: Democracy Essay Did you like this example? â€Å"The Political Foundations of Democracy and the Rule of Law† by Barry R. Weingast uses game-theoretic models to investigate two basic puzzles. The first puzzle analyzes the connection between democratic stability and interests; interests meaning citizen versus elite values. The second puzzle looks into democratic stability in divided societies. With his model, Weingast is able to explain these circumstances. Weingast’s game theoretic models works under some assumptions, the first being that all citizens have opinions when it comes to limits on government. Another assumption is that every individual citizen is able to classify state decisions into two groups: legitimate actions and transgressions. Individualism is important with this model since every person has different values. Next, the players are divided into two groups: the single political official known as the sovereign and the groups of citizens known as the citizenry. In order for the sovereign to stay in power, there must be enough support by the citizenry. Knowing this, the sovereign’s behavior will be affected as his own self-interests will make him respect the limits because he knows he’ll be worse off if he doesn’t. This is known as a self-enforcing limit. On the contrary, when the limits are not defended by the citizenry, the sovereign can violate them and continue to govern. Therefore, in order to prevent the breach of rights, citizens have to step up and unite. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "The Political Foundations of Democracy and the Rule of Law" essay for you Create order The first model illustrates a coordination problem. The situation involves the distribution of surplus. First, the sovereign chooses whether or not to transgress the rights of his citizens. Once this choice is made, two groups of citizens, A and B, make a decision at the same time to accept or challenge the sovereign. In order to stay in power, the sovereign just needs one group’s approval. Therefore, if the groups unite, they can prevent transgressions. If they are divided, the sovereign can transgress the citizens’ rights and not have to fear removal. There are a couple equilibria that could result in this game. The sovereign could transgress and since it would be costly if a group challenges, especially alone, the group would end up acquiescing. The second equilibria would be that the sovereign decides not to transgress. As a result, the payoff would be maximized. Weingast states that this second situation exists because there is a possibility that both groups would challenge and remove the sovereign. Therefore, in this equilibria, limits on the sovereign are self-enforcing which is why he’d choose to not transgress. In the second model, a couple of elements are added to the problem and Group A and B become more distinguished from one another. First, the sovereign could reduce one group’s rights and not the other’s. This would mean that a transgression against one group would benefit another group and the sovereign. The group with its rights reduced would be at a disadvantage if it tried to challenge, so an acquiesce would be most likely. If one group gets transgressed upon and it does not challenge the sovereign, the other group probably wouldn’t challenge if they were placed in the same situation later on. This leads to three different equilibria. If the sovereign transgresses against both groups, they will both acquiesce. If the sovereign transgresses against Group B, both groups will acquiesce. Lastly, if the sovereign transgresses against Group A, both groups will also acquiesce. Basically, this model shows that a transgression against one group will succeed when the oth er group does not also feel violated. The only time transgressions against both groups will succeed according to Weingast is when both groups are obedient and believe that the sovereign should be able to do whatever he pleases. The main point of this article was to show that in order to have a true democracy, society would need to find ways to make sure that the sovereign will not transgress. As Weingast points out, the Glorious Revolution is a wonderful illustration of his model. The Tories are mistreated first (Group A) and then the Whigs (Group B). This makes them finally unite and work together to overthrow King James II (the sovereign). Weingast gets into divided societies next and why they are so much less stable. He relates it to his model and states that â€Å"people’s natural diversity impedes coordination† (Weingast, 1997). In regards to the elite and the ordinary citizens, they can be used as Group A and B in Weingast’s model. Violating one group’s rights may uplift the other’s. In order to regulate the sovereign, both groups have to be coordinated enough to keep the sovereign in check. They would have to have a means of coordination such as a constitution or a riot. There must also be a way of punishing the sovereign if he transgresses. This leads to a rule of law where limits are put in place which citizens must then enforce. Coordination is key.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Music in Annie in 1920-1930 Essay - 1541 Words

Music in Annie in 1920-1930 The Roaring Twenties was a decade absorbed with the growth of the music industry thanks to the radio being born in 1920 (Tyle). The excitement of the war being over brought the Roaring Twenties forth. The American people hungered for change, and the new music of the era, jazz, satisfied their great hunger (100 Favourite Songs). Jazz was a brand new type of music drastically different from anything the American people had heard before. Unfortunately, the Great Depression, which occurred in the thirties, brought forth an aroma of sadness and despair in the lives of the American people. Would jazz also cave into the Depression? Or fight back? Although the mood of the American people changed from the Roaring†¦show more content†¦How advertisements were used on the radio was shown on the â€Å"Hour of Smiles† show with Bert Healey in the play Annie; the Boylan sisters helped to advertise Oxydent toothpaste (Annie). The radio produced many effects in the typical American l ifestyle; it brought families together and even â€Å"knitted the nation together† (Bailey 761). â€Å"The music of famous artists and symphony orchestras was beamed into countless homes – through the radio† (Bailey 762). The play Annie expresses that one of these homes included an all girls orphanage; jazz music was beamed into the orphanage thanks to their radio (Annie). The iconic mark of the music in the twenties was jazz. According to a website devoted to posting and commenting on jazz music in the twenties, jazz music appealed to the young people of the era. â€Å"The music†¦was fast and furious – it was young people’s music†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (100 Favourite Songs). Jazz became popular because it was so drastically different than anything they had heard before. Independent (or indie) record companies were introduced in the Roaring Twenties (Tyle). Some of the greatest jazz musicians appeared on indie labels: Gennett, Paramount, and Oken (Tyle).Show MoreRelated Ansel Adams Essay1036 Words   |  5 Pagesin San Francisco, California, Ansel Easton Adams was the only child of New England parents, Charles Hitchcock and Olive Adams. Adams father was a businessman, whose company included an insurance agency and chemical plant. Ansel took an interest in music at an early age. He selfly taught himself how to play the piano, and he enjoyed being around the surroundings of nature. Ansel attended both public and private school. At home his father gave him lessons in math and French. amp;#9;In 1915 when AnselRead MoreEssay on The Culture of the 1920s1817 Words   |  8 PagesThe Culture of the 1920s The Roaring Twenties started in North America and spread to Europe as the effects of World War I diminished. In Europe, the years following the First World War (1919-1923) were marked by a deep recession. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Declaration Of The Independence Of New Zealand Essay

Name: Hamza Abutaleb Student ID: 2143918 First Event Declaration of the Independence of NZ 1) I chose the Declaration of the Independence of New Zealand because of it has great significance. New Zealand declared its independency from the United Kingdom on the 28th of October 1835 in Waitangi. It was James Busby, with the help of missionary Henry Williams and William Colenso, who then prepared a statement to give the northern Maori chiefs to sign after there were rumours that the United States or France were thinking of claiming New Zealand as their own. The statement’s purpose was to recognise the independency and sovereignty of the New Zealand Maori tribes. The sketch statement that was signed was written in Maori, but another English translation was prepared as well. 2) I will be talking about James Busby who played a major role in making New Zealand’s independency possible. James Busby was born in Scotland on the 7th of February 1802. He studied viticulture in France. After that he moved to Australia. After staying there for a couple of years, Busby moved with his family to New Zealand after presenting his viticulture journals that he published and were considered as New Zealand memoir. That granted him an appointment with the Colonial Office after he presented his work. Then Busty was appointed on March 1832 a New Zealand British Resident. He arrived to the Bay of Islands on May 1833 and then settled in Waitangi. Busby’s major purpose was to manage and look after theShow MoreRelatedThe Treaty of Waitangi1113 Words   |  5 PagesThe Treaty of Waitangi is a very important document to New Zealand. It is an agreement that was drawn up by representatives of the British Crown and Maori Hapu and Iwi. It was first signed at the Bay of I slands on February 6th, 1840. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Breast Cancer Essay Research Paper Breast CancerBreast free essay sample

Breast Cancer Essay, Research Paper Breast Cancer Breast malignant neoplastic disease is the 2nd prima cause of decease in most in adult females today ( ? NABCO: Facts About Breast Cancer? 1 ) . It is a known fact that its remedy and beginning are unknown. Breast malignant neoplastic disease is when an uncontrolled growing of cells without a specific map signifier in the chest country of a individual, killing normal cells and tissue. This procedure in bend causes a ball or mass to organize known as malignant neoplastic disease. Although chest malignant neoplastic disease can non be prevented, there are some stairss a individual can take to cut down the hazards. These stairss are cognizing your household history, routine ego chest scrutinies, annually everyday mammograms for adult females 40 and over, and an one-year chest scrutiny by a medical professional. Every adult female is at hazard for chest malignant neoplastic disease and she is at an even higher hazard if she has a household history of chest malignant neoplastic disease. That? s why it is highly of import for every adult female to cognize her household history. About 10 % of chest malignant neoplastic disease instances are familial and that the most common of these consequence from mutants ( alterations ) of the BRCA1 and BRCA2 cistrons. Normally, these cistrons help to forestall malignant neoplastic disease by doing proteins that maintain the cells from turning abnormally. ( ? American Cancer Association: Breast Cancer Resource Center? 3 ) . Even if your household doesn? t have the history, it? s good information to hold for future mention. Second, a adult female should execute a monthly chest ego scrutiny ( BSE ) . The best clip to execute a BSE is about a hebdomad after the catamenial rhythm ends. For adult females that have irregular catamenial rhythms it? s recommended to execute the BSE on the same twenty-four hours of every month. The BSE is a speedy and simple procedure. If you have a regular gynaecologist or household physician they can give you information on how to execute the procedure decently or demo you while executing it on you. Besides, the American Cancer Association has waies on their web site on how to execute it at: hypertext transfer protocol: // ct=5 A ; doc=14 A ; Language=English. Harmonizing to the American Cancer Association the procedure is as follows: Lie down with a pillow under your right shoulder and topographic point your right arm behind your caput. Use the finger tablets of the three in-between fingers on your left manus to feel for balls in the right chest. Press steadfastly plenty to cognize how your chest feels. A house ridge in the lower curve of each chest is normal. If you # 8217 ; re non certain how hard to press, speak to your physician or nurse. Move around the chest in a handbill, up and down line, or cuneus form. Be certain to make it the same manner every clip, look into the full chest country, and retrieve how your chest feels from month to month. Repeat the test on your left chest, utilizing the finger tablets of the right manus. ( Move T he rest to under your left shoulder. ) If you find any alterations, see your physician right off. Repeat the scrutiny of both chests while standing, with your one arm behind your caput. The unsloped place makes it easier to look into the upper and outer portion of the chests ( toward your axilla ) . This is where about half of chest malignant neoplastic diseases are found. You may desire to make the standing portion of the BSE while you are in the shower. Some chest alterations can be felt more easy when your tegument is wet and soapy. ( ? American Cancer Association: Breast Cancer Resource Center? 17 ) . Another hazard cut downing measure of chest malignant neoplastic disease, is a annually modus operandi mammogram for adult females ages 40 and over. A mammogram is an x-ray of the chest. It? s used to observe chest disease. The x-ray is normally performed while the individual is in a unsloped place while standing. Individually, each chest is pressed between two metal home bases while the x-ray machine takes images of the chest. This test is highly of import and has been added to all wellness insurance policies as a collectible benefit by the United States Health Department. Harmonizing to ? Breast Cancer Resource Center, ? the opportunity of developing chest malignant neoplastic disease additions with age in adult females. About 77 % of adult females with chest malignant neoplastic disease are over age 50 at the clip of diagnosing ( 3 ) . For ages 40 and over a clinical chest scrutiny should be performed by a medical professional each twelvemonth. For ages 20 through 39, this same test should be performed every three old ages. The clinical test is the same test as the BSE. The lone difference is the test is performed by a individual officially trained in the medical field and normally performs this procedure everyday. During this scrutiny is when the medical professional would learn you how to right execute the BSE at place. The whole procedure of stairss in cut downing hazards of chest malignant neoplastic disease are simple and non at all clip devouring. Keeping a history of your household, executing everyday ego chest scrutinies, puting annually everyday mammograms for adult females 40 and over, and acquiring one-year chest scrutinies by a medical professional are all that? s needed. Each measure required can merely assist in educating oneself to understand chest malignant neoplastic disease. For more instruction you can ever reach you household medical professional. You can besides see the American Cancer Association at hypertext transfer protocol: // ct=5 A ; prevURL=load_cont.asp A ; langua ge=ENGLISH for facts, factors, and extra resources on chest malignant neoplastic disease. American Cancer Association. Breast Cancer Resource Center 2000. 20 Nov 2000. ? Types of Breast Cancer, ? Bethesda, M.D. : National Cancer Institute, 1999. National Association of Breast Cancer Organizations ( NABCO ) . Facts About Breast Cancer in the USA 5 Feb 2000. 20 Nov 2000.